You will find here a list of the functions and variables of Logo. For a more complete description and examples, please consult the user's guide 1.Instructions not returning a value: ****************************** back(distance); background color(color); change angle(angle); change font(name); change size(size); change style(number); change x(number); change xy(number1,number2); change y(positiony); clear screen(); circle(distance x,distance y); don't wrap(); draw(); fill circle(distance x,distance y); fill round square(distance x,distance y); fill square(distance x,distance y); forward(distance); full screen(); hide cursor(); hide turtle(); image("name",dimension x,dimension y); initialize(); mask(); normal screen(); pen color(color); pen down(); pen up(); print("sentence"); right(angle); round square(distance x,distance y); show turtle(); square(distance x,distance y); unmask(); wait for click(); wrap(); 2. Instructions returning a value: ************************** These instructions are useful for calculating numbers. read character(variable); variable=absolute(number); variable=arccosine(value); variable=arcsine(value); variable=cosine(angle); variable=logarithm(number); variable=sinus(angle); variable=square root(number); variable=tangent(angle); 3.Variables: ********* There is a certain number of pre-defined variables. Most of these can have their names and values changed by the user. A few of these, followed by an asterisk *, cannot have their value changed by the user : these variables are read-only variables. Colors Color RGB Number brown blue gray yellow purple black orange red green cyan white character font character style character size random* randomscale receive angle* receive x* receive y* return* x dimension* x position* y dimension* y position* A special type of function : read character(variable);